BHS Everyday Hero for January

BHS Everyday Hero for January
Posted on 01/06/2024
BetsyTo kick off 2024, our newest Everyday Hero is Betsy LezmeShe strives to not only be successful, but to learn and grow. Betsy is the hero that everyone hopes for and does not expect, but that is only because she is soft spoken and is a student of few, careful words. Responsible, quiet, and patient to an unparalleled degree, Betsy is direct and honest with her opinions and her faith in those who need her confidence. She will bolster anyone who needs a pick-me-up, tell you to your face when she knows you're not doing your best-- a hard thing to do to your friends-- convince you that you can do better, demonstrate how others can do better, believes everyone should be themselves, and she will believe in you and your efforts no matter what. She has a way of seeing potential in others and is always willing to lend a handBetsy is also a great self-advocate. She asks for new material, welcomes feedback, and constantly pushes herself to excel; she is tireless in her effort to improve Her care for others extends not only to her peers, but to the faculty and staff of Bernards High School as well. These are all the qualities of a natural leader, a teacher, and a hero... qualities that Betsy puts into practice every day, making her an Everyday Hero.
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