Anything is Possible

Anything Is Possible - D.West
Posted on 12/19/2023
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Exemplifying that Anything is Possible 

Spanning multiple visits throughout November and December, Bernardsville Middle School 7th graders had the opportunity to meet and interact with author and motivational speaker, D. West. 

Organized by Principal Lisa Garofalo, West started his sessions at the opening of the school day. The combination of his upbeat personality and engaging storytelling quickly grabbed students’ attention and their excitement rose rapidly. As with many stories of triumph, there are often trials and tribulations. West shared parts of his childhood, one that was riddled with hardships. Despite dealing with years of poverty and homelessness, he revered his mother as his hero. From an early age, he learned to recognize challenges, adapt, and overcome. “Everyone is special,” West reiterated throughout his presentation. “And dreams do come true.”

Beating the odds, being a leader, and developing perseverance through adversity were themes within his presentation. West faced learning disabilities, and struggled to read and write on grade level, yet he never gave up. Being able to identify with students encountering similar struggles, he now often reads to students in schools and communities; this is one of many ways he continues to be a role model for today’s youth. West talked about the importance of strong character traits, and how respect, kindness, and self-esteem are critical to combat bullying. During the Q&A, BMS students peppered him with important questions around how to develop leadership qualities, the importance of setting goals, and more. They were also interested in the trajectory of his mission to becoming a pro football player after not having played college ball. Although reaching success in that arena, it wasn’t an easy road; he also shared that failure is part of one’s journey, and the key is to use it as momentum to move forward.

As 7th grader Luke Hajjar shared, “Mr. West boosted people up. He was happy, friendly, and funny, which really got things going.” The experience aligned with the district’s mission of engaging the community to create thoughtful and impactful global citizens. West encouraged every one of the BMS 7th graders to be the best version of themselves, and to remain resilient. “This program was so well received by our students. For days afterwards they were still talking about it, both impressed and inspired,” said Garofalo. “I hope the district can bring D. West back, so even more students within our Somerset Hills school community can benefit!”  

Dr. Brotschul, Superintendent of Schools, stated that “D. West reminds us that it is always game time; always time to give to others; always time to believe in yourself; and always time to put your best foot forward. D. West was able to model how leaders lead, and did so with grace, enthusiasm, and a style all his own. The students in Bernardsville have a great deal to be thankful for, and now understand there is always room to grow.”

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