Staff Spotlight - Chris Keri

Much to Be Grateful For
Posted on 12/22/2023
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As we head into the holiday,  Assistant Principal Chris Keri, has a lot to be grateful for. One item on his list is a recent “opportunity of a lifetime” when he, as Director of Operations for the Rutgers University Marching Band, accompanied the musicians and color guard to their performance in the Thanksgiving Day Parade 2023 in New York City.

This experience was years in the making; one could say it really began during his four years at Middlesex High School. Although they did not have a marching band, Keri was involved in all of the bands they had to offer; jazz, pep, concert, and pit orchestra. He was a trumpet player through and through. During those years, as his love of Rutgers basketball grew, he set two goals, to attend the university and to play in their pep band. 

After being accepted into Rutgers, he immediately went to join and was told that a requirement of pep band was to be a member of the marching band.  Keri was intimidated by that prospect and didn’t want to proceed, until his mother and grandmother encouraged him to give it a try and just do his best. In Greeley, PA, Keri found band camp extremely challenging. “I felt all eyes were on me. I had never marched at all and suddenly was with students who had been part of marching bands for 3, 4 or 5 years,” shared Keri. “However, I persevered, improved, and met friends and colleagues who remain in my life to this day.”

Keri was part of the Rutgers University Marching Band for four years, and pep band for five. He couldn’t march that additional year in grad school, as he was doing his student teaching.  After graduating and becoming an elementary classroom teacher, Keri continued with the RU band as a Recruiting Manager, a role which ultimately grew into the broader scope of Director of Operations. 

As a director, Keri was part of the application process during the multiple times RU had applied to showcase their band in the prestigious parade. While they found out in late 2021 that they were accepted, he and the two lead directors had to keep it a secret for almost an entire year. In the fall of 2022, head parade creative producer Wesley Whatley and members of the design team traveled from NYC to do a surprise reveal. “It was an incredible moment to see the shock, awe, turning and hugging, and to hear the excited chatter amongst the kids!” From that moment on it was months of planning, music selection, choreography, and practice!

On November 23, 2023, a group of 340 Rutgers musicians and guard performed in the Thanksgiving Day Parade to crowds of spectators, and the world watching on television. They marched from the west side of Central Park to 34th Street, performing for over an hour as they played a mix of RU fight songs, drum cadences, and a Spice Girls medley. As tradition stands, a large portion of people enjoy the parade as part of their Thanksgiving. And due to our proximity to New York, many in the Somerset Hills communities have been able to see the parade in person. While the floats are incredible to view, a hallmark of the parade for many are the performances by the amazing marching bands. 

“The arts opened up a whole new world for me. I met like-minded people who shared many character traits that I attribute to my band experiences. As an educator and now administrator, I love developing these traits in our Bedwell students,” said Keri.  He shared that persistence is one important trait that evolved, as he was behind his peers when he began marching; ready to give up, but didn’t. Dedication is another trait that grew within him as he learned that in marching band others rely on you, and your work ethic is instrumental to the end result. And lastly, Keri’s passion for music was ignited in terms of enjoying music, playing music, and the “family” that band creates. 

“I was thrilled to hear about Mr. Keri’s opportunity to be part of such an incredible parade. The Somerset Hills School District is fortunate to have him as a district leader and role model who  instills in our students motivation, drive, persistence, and teamwork,” said Dr. Brian Brotschul, Superintendent of Schools.

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